
Archive for December, 2010


Botox is a popular treatment that is best known for helping people look younger by reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Since 1992, Botox (Botulinum toxin A) a refined and purified form of the deadly bacteria that causes food poisoning, has been used to to temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause wrinkles to form. Well now if you have very frequent migraines, and medications aren’t helping, you now have the option of getting Botox for migraine treatment. Several studies have shown that botox can relieve migraine pain, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the NHS (British National Health Service) have both approved the use of Botox to treat suffers who have the severest cases of migraines. Migraines are painful recurring headaches which can cause dizziness, nausea and temporary sight loss. Migraines seem to be commonly triggered by an allergic reaction to things like coffee, cheese, chocolate and oranges. Other symptoms include eye spasms caused by erratic or strobe lighting and by spasms of forehead and neck muscles.

Under normal circumstances, to make a muscle contract, a nerve sends an electrical signal to the muscle. The point where the nerve and the muscle meet is called the neuromuscular junction. When the signal gets to the neuromuscular junction a chemical called acetylcholine is released from the nerve side of the junction and binds to the muscle side of the junction causing more chemical reactions that make the muscle contract. Botox works by blocking the acetylcholine receptors of the muscle preventing it from contracting. This blockage is NOT reversible, but the muscle slowly begins to rebuild the receptor sites allowing the muscles to contract again.

Do not be confused though, Botox injections are not for everyone and should not be used for treating occasional migraine headaches. In fact, research has shown that it is only effective for treating migraine sufferers who have headaches more than fourteen days out of the month. This treatment is designed to offer hope to migraine headache sufferers who experience migraines almost every day, making it extremely difficult for them to work or even carry out their basic daily activities. According to more recent studies, 90% of migraine sufferers experience fewer headaches after targeted Botox injections in the brow-line and the neck. These are the muscles that begin to spasm when a migraine headache occurs. In a recent study of 1,300 people, about 70% of migraine sufferers experienced 50% fewer migraines after regular treatments of Botox injections.

Unlike some of the other treatments for Migraines on the market, like the prescription drug Imitrex and nasal sprays, Botox injections are not covered by insurance and at a cost of about $350 for each targeted area can make it fairly expensive. Most likely you will need multiple treatments to get the full effect. Many patients who have used botox to reduce the frequency of attacks can now use other drugs like Imitrex to help them get control over the migraines that they do fall prey to. So discuss this with your Portland Botox Therapy Specialist and have them develop an overall Migraine treatment plan designed just for you, that may include trying Botox as a preventive treatment, as well as a good treatment plan designed to aid in trigger management, and pain management.


Gluten is a form of protein that is found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye. Many processed foods on the selves of a majority of the supermarkets also contain this protein. Gluten is the component that is responsible for giving the flour manufactured from such grains a doughy effect. It is added in processed foods to add to the flavor and to cause the rising effect when baking.

There are some people that are affected by this form of protein. Gluten is known to cause damage to the small intestines of such people. The condition that such people suffer from is called Celiac and it has the simple remedy of going gluten free. People suffering from this disease are not the only ones that are on diets without gluten. There are other conditions too that may force one to go on diets without gluten. Healthy people are also going this way just to keep healthy.

Diets free of gluten are not like other diets that people go on to lose weight or regulate blood sugar. It is not as hard a task and many people with the right attitude towards this diet enjoy taking it. The rewards are also great and most people who have gone on this diet are thankful of the outcomes.

People suffering from celiac are the people who benefit most from gluten free diet. Such people would suffer a lot of symptoms such as nausea, weight gain, blotted stomachs, stomachache and other many bowel related problems. Such effects are completely eradicated if one avoids gluten or takes meals that do not contain gluten at all.

Some people also benefit from foods that do not contain gluten by losing weight. However, it is important to remember that this diet is not designed for people who want to lose weight. It is mainly for people that are sensitive to gluten and some people may even gain weight once they start on this diet.

Celiac, the condition that gluten sensitive people suffer from can be diagnosed by a medical practitioner. However, this will cost you unnecessary fees since this is something you can do on your own. The only way to establish whether one is celiac is to refrain from gluten and observe the body reactions. If the symptoms that were coming as a result of the foods with gluten disappear, then you get to know that you are sensitive. There are no special prescriptions even if you were to have a test done by a doctor so there is no need to enter the unnecessary costs.

There are many places from which you can now get food products without gluten. Some supermarkets are now stocking a variety of grain flours and even processed foods that do not contain gluten. You should also be able to find fast food points and restaurants that have wide menus of foods that are without gluten.


Loved ones find it particularly difficult to deal with compulsive hoarding in the people they care about. You can see so clearly that there is a problem, but the nature of hoarding is such that the hoarders really don’t see an issue with it; in fact, they may even defend their behavior as proper and prudent. Consequently, these folks are generally not very likely to want to change or get help in any way.

Therefore, it can be a real chore to just get these folks to the point of accepting intervention. It’s not surprising that it’s hard to get people to change when they don’t want to change, as it’s tough for us to break habits even when we want to. In this instance, it’s especially difficult because you can’t really justifiably assert that they are a threat to other people or themselves, so you can’t really force them to get help. There are times when you can compel forced intervention by third parties. If things get so out of hand, then landlords can try to have tenants evicted who are not keeping up the property. Sometimes you may even have the Board of Health get involved to clean up a property that is health concern in a neighborhood. Hoarding food is a particular behavior that can really lead to some of these hazardous levels of conduct.

Significant health problems can result when people amass such a food-based collection of garbage. As you can imagine, the primary issue has to do with them attracting pests. It’s essentially a foregone conclusion when people are hoarding food. What happens is that the people hoarding food are so determined to keep food that they will end up holding on to things, even if they are expired, and they just keep this stuff and eventually can no longer even keep up with it. Not surprisingly, this is the ideal buffet for rodents and insects to dine on. Living around a bunch of rat and mouse feces is not exactly healthy, and there are times when the infestation gets so bad that people can be attacked by the intruders. In Chicago there was a couple hoarding food that was literally buried alive in their food-ridden home and when they were extracted from their residence it was discovered that rats had been biting on them!

Not to despair, there are some useful ways that we can start to support and align with folks who are hoarding food in an effort to help them face the reality of their hoarding. To be successful at it, it’s important to remember certain key facts in the back of your mind and have your conversations grounded in these principles if you want the best shot at reaching people who are hoarding food. One of the first things to remember is that you cannot argue with them, and doing so will make them your adversary. Do this and they’ll be so defensive that you’ll probably never be able to reach them. Note that they are inclined to think that hoarding food has some pragmatic benefit, so you are already trying to overcome what they see as rational.

There are some general key insights into what people who hoard are usually thinking that can be helpful. Hoarders are generally of the mindset that they are holding on to things of value. Some may even think that they can sell their stuff at some later date for profit. Other items may have sentimental value or represent a beloved friend or family member. The take home message here is that if you minimize the stuff they are collecting, you may be indirectly attacking the people or memories the stuff stands for.

A real important factor when confronting people who are hoarding food is the fact that they may have been hungry as a child, or somehow had to go without food or enough of it. Or, they may have even been unable to find work and take care of themselves by providing ample food. One sign you’ll see is that they are exceptionally enthusiastic about food that’s on sale, and may feel especially good about having saved money. This really helps you understand how easy it can be to find yourself in an argument, since these are dicey areas. Any way you can show some indication that you can understand their feelings will help. Note that you are not necessarily indicating that you agree with them hoarding food, but rather that you are a listening ear.

At the end of the day, it’s real important that these folks are ultimately entitled to handle things the way they want to. Therefore, we cannot force them to change and cannot barge our way into their lives unless they are a threat to themselves or others. We actually gain some ground when we talk about the fact that we appreciate their freedom to choose hoarding food. At the same time, it’s tricky because they are exercising a right to make choices when they are really not in control over their actions.


Many of us love to receive hugs and to give them. For the autistic child, hugs can actually hurt, or be extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant. But it doesn’t have to be. There are ways you can hug your child, that will please them instead.

Before you reach out your arms to wrap them around your child, you need to understand some basic things. And to keep in mind, every child is different, and what works for one, may not necessarily work for another. With a little patience you will discover what works best for your child.

First, know that what feels good to you, the warmth, the tightness, the comfort of a hug, doesn’t feel the same for them. It can feel anything but. The autistic child does not understand the hug, what it happening to them, or that you are simply looking to show them a little love.

Secondly, a lot of children with autism find pressure to be comforting, but it has to be on their own terms. That is why things like pressure mats, or beanbag blankets can be so effective in helping them calm down or overcome stressful situations. They have full control over how much pressure is being applied. When hugging your child, let them guide you into how much pressure is okay, and do not over step it, as this will only cause them distress, which is obviously not what your hug is intended to do.

Remember that their senses some times do not work the same way as yours. What you find comforting, they may find overwhelming. What you find to help, could hinder or hurt them. You need to let them guide you in the hug.

Another way you may find to ease their discomfort is to hug them after they are wrapped in their own blanket. This way they already have control of the pressure, and there is a barrier between you and them.

You could also start the hugging process by having them do therapy with what’s called a hugging machine. Once they have reached a level of comfort with receiving a hug from the machine, you may be able to hug them without issues.

Hugging can be a great way to say I love you. It can also be a very difficult thing to do with your autistic child. Allowing them to lead you, and show you what they can handle and cope with, will go a long way to making the hug enjoyable for all.


The short and simple answer is, yes, quinoa is gluten free. Contrary to what many people believe, quinoa is not a grain. It is the seed of the goosefoot plant, which is closely related to the spinach. Aside from the seeds, the leaves are also edible, though not as widely marketed as the seed. They have been around since the time of the Inca civilization.

The quinoa seed is one of the many food choices open to people who have celiac disease or who have some form of gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity and need to stay on a gluten free diet. But what makes quinoa far superior to other gluten free foods is the nutritive value of this food.

One of the most celebrated qualities of quinoa is its protein content. It makes a good substitute to meat as a source of protein. It contains all the required essential nutrients that our body needs in an easily digestible form. Aside from protein, it also includes good amounts of calcium and iron.

Quinoa contains high levels of magnesium. It is an excellent source of fiber and starch. It contains phosphorous, copper and tryptophan. And despite being a nutrition powerhouse, quinoa is low in calories!

Quinoa is thought to rival milk in terms of completeness. In fact, quinoa is one of the food that NASA is studying to sustain astronauts for longer duration space exploration precisely because it is one of the most wholesome foods around.

The nice thing about quinoa is that it has a mild, nutty flavor that easily absorbs the flavor of the other ingredients. It has a slightly crunchy texture which many people enjoy. They can be steamed, simmered, sauteed, added to salads, soups and main dishes. Quinoa can be sprouted and eaten raw, added to salads and to sandwiches. Quinoa is also available in flakes and flour form, which can be used to bake bread and other pastries.

It is widely recognized that quinoa seeds and sprouts are gluten free. However, quinoa flakes and flour may contain traces of gluten. This is because commercial quinoa flakes and quinoa flour may be processed in plants that also process other forms of flour such as wheat flour. There is the danger of contamination when similar machines are used to make the flour. When consuming foods made from quinoa flour, it might be worthwhile to get some assurance from the manufacturer regarding their manufacturing process.


If you are looking to get fit, why not do it in the comfort of your own home? You can get fit any time you like, whether it be the morning, afternoon, or evening, and do it according to your own schedule. Getting in shape from home is a great thing to do, and one that won’t require you to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on gym membership fees. In addition, if your local fitness center is far away from you, you can cut down expenses such as these pesky fees but also save on the ‘hidden costs’ such as the cost of gas and time traveling back and forth.

Nowadays, there are plenty of home fitness programs being systematically designed to suit all fitness levels, whether you are just starting out after not exercising for years, or whether you are a bit of a fanatic. As you follow these exercise plans accordingly, you can purchase suitable equipment for you to use in your home, design your exercise area, implement your training exercise regiment as you please, and also create logs for tracking of your progress along the way.

When you are involved in getting fit at home, you still need to have effective exercise equipment that is safe for you to use. Your home fitness regime should be effective in helping you stay healthy and achieve your own health goals. It should also be affordable and easy for you to set up. If you think that you do not have any knowledge on choosing the right fitness equipment, you can always consult professionals on what exercise equipment to purchase.

There are two types of categories for home fitness equipments that you can choose from – Aerobic Equipment and Strength Equipment. One of the basic pieces of aerobic equipment is the Treadmill, which is great equipment either for walking or running. It also available in manual models which are much more affordable, the expensive electronic or motorized models as well as the high end types which are using computerized technology. The more expensive the treadmill model, the more features that you can find when using it such as having an adjustable belt speed as well as an incline or elevation feature.

Another popular piece of equipment used for aerobic exercise are indoor cycles. There are lots of indoor bicycles available and some of the more expensive models are designed with computerized technology along with pre-programmed rides that will make you feel that you are riding through simulated hills and valleys. There are also graphics that can simulate the effect of thunderstorms, circling blizzards and competitive racing. An added feature is that there is a pulse sensor that able to provide pulse sensor that can monitor your heart rate, calories consumed, pedal speed, elapsed time, current workload, cadence, maximum oxygen uptake and your current fitness level once you have finish the exercise. There is also the moderate mid-range type known as the air-dyne bikes which able to work on your arms as well as your legs, support your back and also provide comfort to the person who use it.

As for the strength equipment, you can choose a quality Roman chair where you can work on the lower back of your behind, hamstrings and glutes. Some models are more adaptable, so you can also work out your abdominals. This equipment is not recommended for those of you who have knee or lower back problems. It should fit into your small area with only a size of at least two-by-five feet.


Anxiety, whether occasional or chronic, is a very common problem. It affects literally millions of people and can have terrible and prohibitive results. If the problem is recognized as anxiety, on of the first steps that people take is to either attempt to deal with it on their own or to go to the family physician for a prescription.

Handling the issue with no external help may work for some, but choosing to get safe and natural help can provide enormous assistance in conquering unease and apprehension.

Likewise, prescription medications can provide assistance to some, but the possibility of addiction and side effects can be just as concerning as the original anxiety problem. Choosing instead to explore natural remedies for anxiety can eliminate potential side effects and provide a safe way to conquer the problem.

There are many natural options, and the majority of these are widely available. They are safe and do not require a doctor’s visit or a prescription. Most are things that people have cut out of their life due to time constraints or lack of motivation, like exercise.

Daily exercise can absolutely beneficial in balancing mood and restoring calm. It can be as simple as jogging or walking for 30 minutes daily.

Both yoga and meditation are also useful, as they provide a way to release tension and focus the mind. In another direction, it can also be very helpful to take different vitamins and minerals that have been shown to contribute to the lessening of these feelings, such as Vitamin B, Magnesium, and Fish oil.


Mould is a naturally occurring substance as it is an integral part of the outdoor environment and it plays a large role in the breakdown of leaves, wood, and other plant debris. When it grows indoors however, it can have serious health consequences. Moulds are a type of fungus, which need moisture to grow; as such they are found in damp and poorly ventilated areas. Potential sources of moisture include leaking pipes, leaking roofs and windows, and floods. Most moulds gather their food from dead moist organic matter such as wood, paper, fabric, dust, plant soil, and cooked or raw food; however, they can also grow on the surface of damp materials such as glass. Moulds spread by releasing thousands of tiny spores into the air and these spores are a source of indoor air pollution, which lead to mould allergy.

What is mould allergy?

Mould allergy occurs when an individual is exposed to microscopic fungal spores from mould. Since these spores are small, they can evade the protective mechanisms of the nose and upper respiratory tract, and consequently the lungs.


There are different types of mould; however, only certain types cause mould allergies. These include alternaria, aspergillus, clasdosporium, penicillium, helminthosporum, epicoccum, fusarium, and phoma, to mention a few. Mould allergy occurs when an individual comes in contact with the mould spores, causing an immune response where the body thinks they are foreign invaders and develops an antibody to fight them. This causes the body to release histamines, which cause itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms related to mould allergy. Even after the exposure has passed, the body will still continue to produce antibodies, which will remember the mould spores (invaders) the next time contact occurs.

Symptoms of mould allergy are similar to those which occur in other upper respiratory allergies.

Common symptoms include:

– Allergic Rhinitis
– Sneezing
– Runny nose
– Nasal congestion
– Itchy, watery and red eyes
– Breathing difficulties
– Weakness

Mould spores can deposit on the lining of the nose, consequently causing hay fever symptoms, and can also reach the lungs causing asthma or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.


Avoid contact with mould spores

This is the best treatment for mould allergy. To help reduce symptoms of mould allergy drastically, avoid cutting grass, digging around plants or picking leaves. If you must do any of these activities, ensure you wear a dust mask.


Antihistamines, bronchodilators and corticosteroids are used to ease the symptoms of mould allergy as there is no sure way of curing mould allergy. Corticosteroids help prevent and treat inflammation and they are the most effective allergy medications for most people, and as such are usually prescribed first. Antihistamines help with itching, sneezing and runny nose, and work by blocking histamine which is released by the immune system during an allergy reaction.


This involves administering a series of allergy shots to help eliminate some allergies. However, immunotherapy is only moderately effective against mould allergy.

Nasal Lavage

This is usually recommended to help with irritating nasal symptoms. It involves rinsing the nose with salt water and can be effective in relieving congestion.

Tips for Prevention

• Keep damp areas such as bathrooms well ventilated
• Refrigerators should be kept clean, watch out for mouldy food.
• Avoid damp and musty buildings and where HAY is stored.
• Avoid cutting grass, raking leaves and turning compost heaps.
• Keep all bathroom surfaces clean.
• Get rid of old foam pillows and mattresses.
• Do not store clothing or shoes in damp cupboards; leave wardrobe doors ajar to ventilate the clothes.
• Control indoor moisture by using a dehumidifier.
• Reduce the amount of indoor house plants and ensure those present are free of mould on leaves and in potting soil.
• Throw away or recycle old books, newspapers, clothing or bedding.
This link will you help to find a large range of products that may improve your well being.


Shopping isn’t simply a woman’s thing. Studies demonstrate that men and women were nearly equally likely to be compulsive buyers. They do shop differently, though.

Men tend to shop more in a “work” form and women are more “leisure time” shoppers. Women–who tend to be other-oriented and relationship-centered, tend to purchase apparel, jewelry, cosmetics, and appearance orientated goods. While men, who tend to be self-oriented and activity-centered, often buy electronics and sporting goods, chiefly functional goods. Men and women likewise relate differently to what they have… women treasure their emotional and symbolic possessions, while men prefer their functional and leisure items.

Likewise, men’s shopping is more culturally accepted. We tend to see men more as consumers and collectors, but not shoppers. While a woman’s buying habits are frequently seen as self-indulgent and insignificant. Call it what you will, the fact is that both genders are subject to severe abuses when it comes to purchasing behavior.

Ways To Curb Buying

Be a private detective around your purchasing behavior. Distinguish the cues or triggers that lead to over shopping or compulsive spending, e.g. a foul day at work, a battle with a mate, feeling lonesome, relaxed, or in need of pay back, spare time, or the holidays maybe.

Seek patterns and associations. It’s crucial to recognize that shopping is an equal opportunity, general-purpose mood changer, but works only temporarily. After a brief while, your mood will frequently dip even below where it was previously as now the shame and the remorse are imparted to it.

The Outcomes of Compulsive Spending

In what regions of your life overspending is costing you? Financially? Emotionally? Socially? In your occupation? Spiritually? Pick out somebody in your life to be a buying back up chum and brainstorm together about how that individual will support you to quit compulsive spending.

Anticipate that you might very likely feel sorrier before you feel better, since the anesthetic qualities that the purchasing supplied are now gone.

Put down everything you spend and allot each expenditure a score, based on how essential you deem it to be, from 0=totally unneeded, to 1/3=a bit essential, to 2/3=really essential to 1, crucial. At the close of the week, view how many of your buys you rated totally or relatively unneeded and then you’ll see how much you may save if you were only purchasing things that were more essential instead of less.

Make certain you apportion a little money monthly for things that make your heart whistle. Otherwise, you’re placing yourself at risk for feelings of deprivation and a spending splurge.

Confer with one of the many net calculators that will help you to discover the high cost of charge card debt.

Take charge of your prompts by avoiding them altogether, or limiting your vulnerability. For instance, if Wal-Mart is a prompt… Remain far away!

Likewise build in a break between your impulse to purchase and your real purchasing behavior. During the break, ask yourself:

– How come I’m here?

– How do I feel?

– Do I need to have this?

– What if I hold off?

– How will I pay for this?

– Where will I place it?

Use cash or a debit card, without overdraft protection. Know what’s in your checking account at all times.

Attain a list of your most beneficial reasons to quit your compulsive spending. Retain this “Stop Shopping?” list with you at all times.

Question yourself: What Am I Truly Shopping For? What rudimentary emotional needs have tripped my addiction to shopping? Rather than shopping, do something else that’s good for you and life-enhancing to meet some of your rudimentary needs. If you shop because you’re lonesome, find a different way to feel associated that builds self-regard, not tears it down!

Remember: you are able to never acquire enough of what you don’t truly need.


Are you looking for a way to generate more leads for Medicare recipients or senior benefits? it doesn’t really matter what type of product you sell, whether they be sleep apnea products, power chairs, diabetic supplies, or other products seniors need.

Nationally advertised TV commercials tell consumers to call in for more information on diabetic supplies or for Medicare information; once they do, interactive voice response takes over so that you get the best diabetic need to Medicare leads possible.

For example, if the focus is on diabetic leads, diabetic callers can call in; they are then asked a series of questions, such as finding out which Medicare plan they have, and how they test their blood sugar, including whether or not they use a glucose meter. Callers’ “vital statistics” are also collected, including name, physical address, birth date, and phone numbers, along with any other pertinent information needed.

In addition, callers are also asked if a representative from Medicare can make contact them via phone in or to help callers find better solutions for diabetic supplies. Customers give permission for a call back; all of these calls are recorded, such that when callers do indeed give permission for a callback, you are sent each lead from between one to three times every day. All pertinent information is included, including contact information and other relevant data such as the supplies customers currently use.

All you have to do is to call these customers back and close each sale respectively.

You can see how this makes it easier for you to achieve your return on investment, closing ratio, and CPA needed. Because quality leads are continually provided, you will generally have enough in customer contacts that you can continue to grow your business.

An important word about compliance: Compliance is certainly important, such that these Medicare leads and diabetic leads are NEVER simply skimmed or gotten through spam or other subversive means. Instead, our system ensures that all Medicare leads and diabetic leads are opt in customers, meaning that they have chosen to receive information and have given permission for call backs. This ensures that every lead you get is legitimate and sure.

Leads are generated via TV; these leads are consumers who have given explicit consent for you to contact them. This means that “do not call” rules don’t apply to them. Nonetheless, we take steps to ensure that individuals are not called incessantly, such that compliance rules for various agencies including but not limited to the DNC, the FTC, and HIPPA are always of utmost concern. We are legitimate and never overstepped these rules.

Senior benefits are going to be a hot market, with “baby boomers” aging and this age demographic getting bigger by the day. In fact, we can generate between 100 and 5000 leads per day, making sure those leads are qualified and media quality is never shortchanged.