Being Vegan – A Love Story- Health Information Online
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Being Vegan – A Love Story

Recently, the question was posed to me, “What do you love most about being a vegan?” Initially, my answer was this. The day that I became a vegan was the day that I fell in love. The truth is that there is so much about being a vegan that I love and because as a vegan I am constantly evolving it would probably be near impossible and beyond to scope of this article to ever articulate all that I love about being vegan.

Nonetheless, I can start by saying that for me on of the best parts of being vegan is knowing that I am committed to something that is inspiring and meaningful. As a vegan I am part of a movement to better the world. Studies have proven that a vegan diet will solve the problem of world hunger. In fact, the United Nations even declared that a plant-based diet can feed more people than an animal-based diet.

Now the second best part about being vegan is waking up to a sexy, vibrant, beautiful, healthy me everyday. I hate to toot my own horn but its true. I mean I just feel sexy as a vegan. My skin has a vibrant glow, I am always energetic, and I couldn’t ask for a better physique. Yes, being a vegan has come with many perks.

Next, I love, love, love the creativity that veganism inspires within me. As a vegan I am forced to keep my creative juices flowing. Finding new things to do with plant-based foods over the course of a lifetime requires ingenuity and adaptability so as an artist I can greatly appreciate this.
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Lastly, as a hopeless romantic, I love that being a vegan has made me fall in love over and over again. The same feelings that you get when you experience being in love with another human being are the same feeling that I get when I think of what it means to me to be a vegan. So I just melt at the thought of my choice being one that impacts the world in that choosing a plant-based diet means that more people can get fed and that I help preserve the richness and beauty of our planet. My smile is as wide as the grand canyon when I create a new veggie recipe. My heart skips a beat when I hear its name. I start to glow when someone asks me about what it’s like being a vegan as I anticipate the sharing with someone else all the ways that this life has brought me so much joy. So in essence, I’d have to say that what I absolutely love most about being a vegan is just that, being in love.
