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Best Way To Lose Weight

Looking for the best way to lose weight? Well, I’m going to cut straight to it, because if you are like me when I first got started, you just want the answer to getting slim and trim… effectively! With that said, the most guaranteed way to ensure you get in the best shape ever is to change your lifestyle around (simply changing everything you do now into the healthy version) as opposed to actual “fad dieting”… and here’s why:

  1. Easier To Stick With – You see, fad diets (low-calorie, low-fat, low-carb, liquid diets, fruit diets, etc.) are extremely complicated due to their excessive restrictions. Your body is a machine, and it needs many different types of nutrients in order to stay running like the well oiled machine it is. Once you start restricting too much, your body begins to shut down (a slower metabolism)… and this is certainly a really bad thing!When you on the other hand change your lifestyle around as opposed to fad dieting, you will find yourself eating more frequently, eating all kinds of foods, and more. This will keep you full during the day, decrease cravings, and provide ongoing energy!
  2. Permanent ResultsMaking a lifestyle change and getting rid of processed foods and replacing them with natural foods, getting rid of sodas, and replacing them with water, green tea, berry juice, etc. will all lead to you losing weight… permanently. This of course can not be said for fad dieting. In fact, I remember when I first got started and tried out so many fad diets, and each and every time I ended up regaining weight I just lost, and once I tried the low-calorie type of diet, I actually regained even more weight than I originally had!
  3. More Affordable – Why spend hundreds on prepackaged meal plans that are loaded with processed foods, sugar, and salt, or spend a ton of money on one of those crazy Hollywood diets, when you can simply spend exactly what you have already been spending… but your just simply replacing what you usually buy (for example, instead of sugar, you buy stevia or organic cane sugar, instead of eggs, you buy liquid egg whites, etc.). The price differences with healthy foods versus unhealthy options is very minimal.

Changing your lifestyle around instead of fad dieting is for sure the best way to lose weight. What I recommend you do to ensure you have a solid foundation is to find a REAL diet that is all about eating natural foods to drop pounds and increasing your metabolic rate.