
Archive for the ‘Headaches’ Category


We’ve been hearing for years that proper diet and exercise will make us feel better with tremendous health benefits. Now, for migraine sufferers, this advice may resonate a little more as researchers are pointing to the foods we eat and the amount of exercise we get as potential triggers for the debilitating pain.

Hardly anyone can argue that it’s not beneficial to eat a well-balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, avoid fatty, processed foods and get plenty of physical exercise every day. The overall health benefits are indisputable. However, what many people may not have realized is that there is a link between healthy habits and migraine pain. While the migraine may not be eliminated altogether, certain lifestyle changes may lessen and control triggers.


For those who suffer from frequent migraines, “trigger” is a familiar word. We have been told that there are certain food triggers that may precede migraine pain. Some of the more familiar triggers include alcohol and foods that contain tyramine, sodium nitrate or phenylalanine. Some examples of these foods include chocolate, processed meats, peanut butter and certain aged cheeses. In addition to the specific items, a diet high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables can also have a negative effect. For instance, fasting or dehydration can make migraine pain worse or increase frequency.


Exercise for migraine relief has been met with mixed reviews. For some unfortunate people, exercise is actually a trigger for migraine pain, making it extremely difficult to incorporate physical fitness into a daily health care routine. However, for others, exercise may decrease severity or frequency of migraine pain, providing major incentives to stay in shape.

While it may be difficult to determine if exercise is a trigger for your migraine pain, at the very least, finding out can reduce stress, improve mood and even loosen tense, tight muscles. Generally, there are more positive benefits to regular exercise than negative. Even thirty minutes of moderate exercise per day can potentially reduce migraine pain. Begin slowly by taking a walk or biking for short durations of time. If you are unaffected, increase your intensity and frequency.

Yoga as a Benefit

Many people have benefitted from the relaxing technique of yoga. As a spiritual form of exercise, yoga has a positive effect on emotional stress, which has been associated with migraine, even linked as a potential trigger. From a scientific perspective, yoga is calming and helps release tension that builds up over time. The chemicals released when the body is under stress may cause blood vessels in the brain to dilate and create pressure, which can trigger a migraine. Breathing and meditation techniques common with yoga can reduce stress, which can ultimately reduce migraine.

Research is inconclusive as to the effects of diet and exercise on migraine pain. However, for anyone who has ever dealt with the debilitating pain associated with this type of ailment, it’s definitely worth giving it a try. Besides, what are the side effects of watching your diet and exercising more- a smaller waistline? Few will complain about that.


Have you experienced tension headache symptoms that constantly affect your activities every day? Maybe you suspect it as migraine and you are trying to find any means or treatment just to ease the pain. It is necessary to ask help from a medical specialist on how to stop it but identifying the source of pain is the first thing you have to do. The following paragraphs will give you information about the causes of headaches and the most effective remedies that you can apply.

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The most common symptoms of the tension headache include dull aching head, pressure or tightness in various parts of your head, tenderness of the scalp and neck, TMJ pain and rare cases of loss of appetite. Most specialists claims that the pain varies from one patient to another. Stress related headache is a chronic problem because it can occur occasionally or frequently many times in a month and can last from thirty minutes to several days.

You can deal with stress related headache through different treatments other than the migraine headache treatment because their symptoms also are different. The symptoms of migraines are nausea, achy joints, and visual problems. These symptoms cannot be applied in stress linked headaches. on the other hand, sensitivity to light can cause a tension headache.

It is advised that you take headache medicine more than twice a week but you must consult your doctor to know the causes of your headaches first and foremost. There are some serious causes such as brain tumor or aneurysm of a blood vessel that can also show similar symptoms. You have to seek emergency care in case you experience abrupt and severe headache accompanied with a fever, stiff neck, and confusion in your mind, seizures, double vision, weakness, numbness or difficulty in speaking, worse headache after a head injury, and progressive headache with coughing, exertion, straining or a sudden movement among others.

You can have many options in dealing with your headaches, from drinking a soft drink to the last option the surgery. Most people who are finding treatments with their common tension headache find pain relievers, sleep, drinking more liquids, stress management by doing their hobbies and performing some exercises, lowering blood pressure, and wearing TMJ mouth guards that prevent TMJ symptoms and teeth grinding at night. All the things mentioned above can give you solutions on how to stop headaches. Therefore, if you think you are having this kind of symptoms, you can follow some of the remedies written in this page or make sure you make an appointment with a TMJ dentist as soon as possible.


Headaches, a common ailment among both children and adults can be a blight on an otherwise bright day. That sinking feeling of the pain getting worse in your head followed by that throbbing or stabbing pain behind the eyes can cause such a discomfort that everyone of us can relate to.

There are many causes of headaches but some are more common than others, like:

a) Sleeping badly can often cause a bad headache
b) Excessive much consumption of alcohol
c) Reading in bad or dim light for prolonged period
d) Dehydration
e) Colds and flu
f) Listening to Loud music for extended period
g) Stress.
h) Menstruation.
i) Screaming kids
j) Migraines and certain food allergies
k) Bad posture

If you suffer headaches frequently, be it for any one reason and having to pop pills to alleviate the pain more than a few times a week then you should seek medical advice as a first step to determine if you have any serious medical condition that is causing headaches. However, the good news is that many simple headaches can be cured naturally and without popping pills by alleviating the muscle contractions in the cranium that causes the headaches in the first place.

Almost all of us would reach for pills the moment we experience headache to get rid of it pronto because it affects our daily lives adversely. But this often can be the wrong approach. Aspirin, paracetemol and ibruprofen can often cause micro lesions in the stomach and long terms are not good for the digestive tract.

So what is the answer?

The answer could be AcuPressure, good for children and adults alike.

‘AcuPressure’ system relies upon an ancient technique for massaging key points on the skull which massages 8 key points in a sequence on the cranial. Like acupuncture but without the pins, this system is non-invasive. Bad neck posture often pulls the neck muscles that pull on the cranium vault that pulls on the brain – but this ancient method will alleviate that cranial pull and the pain.

As soon as you feel that you have a headache, you should think about doing the 8 points which can be done immediately to prevent the pain. And as the method is non-chemical and non-invasive, as long as you have the Acupressure device (a pin with a ball bearing on it that does not penetrate the skin) with you, you can do the 8 point massage as often as you like to alleviate the pain. It may be done several times by relaxing the cranium muscles. The best part of AcuPressure system is that you can heal your own head ache at home, without the need for needles or pills and with ease. So don’t sit at home and suffer, or pop yet more pills you know aren’t good for you. You may want to learn more about how to cure headaches in 2 minutes without any pills.. For all headache sufferers the time is now to eliminate this blight and get back to doing what you love to do uninterrupted.


Symptoms of cluster headaches involve excruciating pain earning nicknames such as “suicide headache” or “alarm clock headache” owing to the fact that cluster headaches can awaken a person from sleep. The headache pain occurs in cyclic patterns of one to three headaches per day per cluster period (usually lasting two weeks to three months). The headache then disappear completely as the person goes into remission. Remission may last for months or even years.

Cluster Headaches Symptoms And Causes

Cluster headaches are rare and not life-threatening but are very intense. The headaches strike quickly, often without warning. Symptoms of cluster headaches include:

  • Excruciating, burning or knife-like pain felt behind or around one eye that spreads over that half of the face or head and may radiate into the neck and shoulder
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Swelling around the eye on the affected side of the face
  • Difficulty closing the affected eyelid (Ptosis) or a drooping eyelid
  • Excessive tearing and redness of the eye on the affected side
  • Reduced pupil size
  • Restlessness (pacing or rocking behavior)

Cluster headaches are usually brief, often lasting only 15 minutes and rarely lasting more than a few hours. However, they are excruciating and intense. The pain will typically end as quickly as it began. Following an attack the person will be completely free of pain, but exhausted.

Some will report migraine-like symptoms including nausea, sensitivity to light and sound or an aura, however, unlike a migraine, these symptoms may be experienced on only one side.

As the name suggests, cluster headaches usually occur for a few weeks to months then disappear. A sufferer may experience symptoms in a cyclic pattern with headaches appearing at approximately the same time each year. Symptoms commonly arise in the spring and fall.

Cluster headaches are not common. Ninety percent of cluster headache sufferers are male, most between the ages of 20-30 years old (although headaches can develop at any age). Having a family history of this type of headache will make you more susceptible to having them yourself.

The definitive cause of cluster headaches is not well understood, but may involve abnormalities of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls your “internal biological clock” which regulates sleep and wake cycles.

It is thought that the hypothalamus plays a role in activating the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is the main nerve of the face and is responsible for sensations such as heat and pain. When activated, the nerve causes the eye pain experienced with cluster headaches. It also stimulates another group of nerves responsible for the tearing, redness, nasal congestion and runny nose associated with these headaches.

Cluster headaches tend to be influenced by seasonal changes, with the spring and fall being the most common times for headaches to occur, this may be tied to the abnormalities of the hypothalamus. During a cluster period, headaches may be triggered by alcohol consumption or smoking. Other possible triggers include histamine injection and nitroglycerin ingestion.

Cluster Headaches Diagnosis And Treatment

A person who just started experiencing this type of headache should see a doctor to rule out other disorders. The headache pain, though severe, is usually not the result of an underlying disease, however, other conditions such as a brain tumor or aneurysm could mimic the symptoms of cluster headaches.

A proper diagnosis will be mainly based on the characteristics of the headaches such as the type of pain and the pattern of attacks. An evaluation by a medical physician may include a physical examination, blood tests, and imagining tests such as CT or MRI scans.

Alternate diagnosis that will need to be ruled out include: Migraines (especially facial migraines), Raeders Paratrigeminal Syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, internal carotid aneurysm, or headache due to TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or infarction of lateral medulla.

There is no known cure for cluster headaches. Treatment will be geared toward decreasing the severity of the pain and shortening the duration of the attacks and the length of the cluster period.

Over-the-counter pain medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen are often ineffective in the treatment of cluster headaches due to the fact that the headaches come on suddenly and often subside within a short time, leaving no time for the drug to have an effect.

However, there are a number of fast-acting treatments that can provide some pain relief. These fast-acting treatments include:

  • 100 percent Oxygen inhaled through a mask
  • The injectable form of sumatriptan (Imitrex)
  • Octreotide (Sandostatin, Octreotide Acetate) injections
  • Local anesthetics such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) used intranasally
  • Dihydroergotamine (D.H.E. 45, Migranal) administered intraveneously

Other medications may be prescribed as preventive therapy. The goal of these medications is to suppress an attack as it starts. Your doctor may prescribe:

  • Calcium channel blocker agent, verapamil (Calan, Verelan)
  • Coticosteroids such as prednisone
  • Lithium carbonate
  • Nerve block
  • Ergotamine (Ergomar)
  • Melatonin
  • Divalproex (Depakote)

Surgery to block the trigeminal nerve may be an option for those who do not tolerate the medications or who have not been helped with standard treatment.


Throbbing pain, intense pressure, nasal congestion, lost sleep, exhaustion – a sinus headache is enough to make anyone miserable. But before you spend energy seeking sinus headache relief, ask yourself: Is this really a sinus headache?

The truth is, sinus headaches are very similar to migraines. They can be so hard to tell apart, that sometimes even your doctor will have trouble making a diagnosis.

Usually, a sinus headache will involve some of the following symptoms:

  • often begins during or right after you have a bad cold
  • pain and pressure in one particular spot; for example, across your forehead
  • pain is often worse when you first wake up, with sudden movements, or with changes in temperature
  • you may have tenderness in your face and forehead
  • post-nasal drip and sinus congestion may be present
  • fever and overall sense of “not feeling good” (malaise)
  • drainage of colored mucus (often yellow or green) from your nose

Here’s one area where sinus headaches can be tricky: migraines also can also come with nasal congestion, and they can get worse with certain movements, such as bending over. But, there are a couple of big clues that help you tell the difference. As migraine sufferers know, migraines usually come with nausea, and light and noise often make them worse. Researchers are still trying to figure out exactly what causes migraines.

As for sinus headaches, the problem begins in our para-nasal sinuses. Our sinuses are usually filled with air, and they allow mucus to drain as needed. But when our sinuses are inflamed and irritated (also called sinusitis) or congested, that can prevent mucus from draining as it should. Abnormalities in the way our nose is made–including a deviated septum–can also cause mucus to be blocked from draining. Pretty much anything that causes a blockage in our sinus passages can cause trouble. If mucus drainage is blocked, the trapped mucus collects and makes a great place for bacteria and other germs to grow.

Once you’re sure what’s causing your headache, you can find the solution that works best for you. These days, there are several good options for those in need of sinus headache relief. In order to open up those sinus passages, your health care provider could prescribe any of a variety of treatments.

Some of many possible choices include:

  • antibiotics – if there’s infection present (and not all sinus problems involve an infection!)
  • steroids – to decrease swelling so that mucus can drain normally
  • decongestants – including over-the-counter decongestants, which are sometimes used with antihistamines
  • humidifiers – to help keep nasal passages moist, and to decrease sinus congestion
  • saline nasal sprays – to help decrease sinus congestion

The best sinus headache relief will be tailored to whatever’s causing your sinus problems. So give some thought to exactly what symptoms you’re having, and when they started. Have you had a cold recently? Do you have a fever or chills? What makes the pain worse or better? These are important details to share with your health care provider.

Meanwhile, if sinus trouble seems to haunt you, have hope. There are also steps you can take to help keep your sinus passages clear and healthy, so you can reduce your risk of sinus congestion and all the misery that comes with it.


An abdominal migraine is pain within the abdomen with the absence of a headache to go with it. Also known as periodic syndrome, they occur mostly in young kids (usually girls) between the ages of five and nine, although they can rarely occur in adults. There does seem to be a particular connection between abdominal migraines and ordinary migraines, in that the stomach headaches usually affect children in families with a history of migraine headaches.

Unfortunately, most children who suffer from stomach migraines usually go on to experience migraines as adults, starting as early as puberty. Doctors cannot depend on the symptoms alone to diagnose stomach migraine headaches. The most frequent symptoms of abdominal headaches are actually similar to the symptoms of a migraine, but with no headache. These symptoms are pain in the abdomen, that is moderate to severe in intensity and lasting anywhere from 1 to 72 hours, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness and dark circles under the eyes. Diagnosing abdominal migraines based on these symptoms is not easy for doctors to do.

Just like a normal migraine, there is no scientific test that can unequivocally prove what is happening. The child concerned might have all of these symptoms mentioned above or only one or two. The signs of stomach migraines are sometimes misdiagnosed as the flu, however, the symptoms can come back 2 or 3 times within the same month.

That is why finding the correct diagnosis is tough and the key diagnostic tool is usually the child’s family history. Doctors will often take blood and urine samples and perform tests to eliminate any other more severe causes of the anguish. It’s becoming a lot more apparent to doctors that migraines of any sort may cause some permanent damage, so determining that the problem is indeed an abdominal migraine and finding a treatment quickly is crucial. There is at present no official known cause.

Abdominal migraines, as with migraines, can be averted by steering clear of particular foods that can trigger a flare up. While there is no science to substantiate this some people believe caffeinated drinks, cheese and chocolate can be triggers. Stress is also regarded as a possible reason for abdominal migraines. Treatment is usually with a variety of migraine headache medications, so there is really no definitive treatment for the kids. As a result they are treated exactly the same as a migraine of the head is treated.

Being mindful of the age the child, painkillers are employed in addition to sedatives and anti-nausea drugs. Inderol is also sometimes prescribed to help remedy migraines in youngsters. Another drug called Propranolol is a preventative beta-blocker often used. Midrin, which is a prescription drug for adult migraines that has been used for years, can be prescribed in milder doses. Midrin contains an ingredient that can help boost serotonin levels; it is thought that during migraines, serotonin levels in the brain drop. The most important treatment, regardless of services or products, is to get a great deal of rest and try sleeping dark, quiet room.


The Yoga Migraine Connection I am sure you heard about before. But there is a special workout I guess you never heard about. I guess you are familiar to that mind numbing pain. The kind of pain that makes it impossible for you to work, eat, or even sleep. This is the type of pain that makes it hard to think. When you are dealing with migraines, there is no question that they are painful, the only question that really matters is how do you make it stop?

If you had these horrible headaches before, you know that everyone is offering some type of relief. There is no shortage of medications, needles, massages, and ice packs. Each one guaranteed to take away your pain. Not everyone succeed with this and for many sufferers they hardly ever work.

And when you think about it, I mean when you really think about it, it shouldn’t be this hard for you to find relief. How is it fair that you should continue to suffer when the solution is so simple? Why should you lose money and your sanity when relief is so easy?

It is amazing to think that while you have been suffering, there has been such a simple answer as the Yoga Neck Rolling therapy. This workout is so simple, yet so powerful that it might change your life.

For most people, when they think of yoga, they think of exercise. The yoga migraine connection is really so much more than that. Sure, yoga has great physical benefits for the body, but it also heals the body in amazing ways. Many people suffering from migraines have found great relieve using the Yoga Neck Rolling therapy. It is very important to know exactly how to do this special workout.

For many years back it was a well know fact that you could cure your migraines with yoga therapy, the yoga migraine connection. But you cannot just start doing yoga workouts and expect everything to be okay. Like everything else in life, there is a certain formula, a certain way to go about things. If you don’t know the right movements to target the cause of your migraines, then you will not find relief. Even worse, you could make your pain worse.

If there is one thing you don’t want, it is a pain that is even worse than what you are already going through.

The fact is that just a few short minutes of the right yoga stretches every day will work wonders for your pain. Imagine waking up tomorrow knowing that you never have to worry about another migraine again? How great would it feel to know that you never again have to lay in agony while the world goes on without you?
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That is the power of yoga, if you know how to use it.


Botox is a popular treatment that is best known for helping people look younger by reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Since 1992, Botox (Botulinum toxin A) a refined and purified form of the deadly bacteria that causes food poisoning, has been used to to temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause wrinkles to form. Well now if you have very frequent migraines, and medications aren’t helping, you now have the option of getting Botox for migraine treatment. Several studies have shown that botox can relieve migraine pain, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the NHS (British National Health Service) have both approved the use of Botox to treat suffers who have the severest cases of migraines. Migraines are painful recurring headaches which can cause dizziness, nausea and temporary sight loss. Migraines seem to be commonly triggered by an allergic reaction to things like coffee, cheese, chocolate and oranges. Other symptoms include eye spasms caused by erratic or strobe lighting and by spasms of forehead and neck muscles.

Under normal circumstances, to make a muscle contract, a nerve sends an electrical signal to the muscle. The point where the nerve and the muscle meet is called the neuromuscular junction. When the signal gets to the neuromuscular junction a chemical called acetylcholine is released from the nerve side of the junction and binds to the muscle side of the junction causing more chemical reactions that make the muscle contract. Botox works by blocking the acetylcholine receptors of the muscle preventing it from contracting. This blockage is NOT reversible, but the muscle slowly begins to rebuild the receptor sites allowing the muscles to contract again.

Do not be confused though, Botox injections are not for everyone and should not be used for treating occasional migraine headaches. In fact, research has shown that it is only effective for treating migraine sufferers who have headaches more than fourteen days out of the month. This treatment is designed to offer hope to migraine headache sufferers who experience migraines almost every day, making it extremely difficult for them to work or even carry out their basic daily activities. According to more recent studies, 90% of migraine sufferers experience fewer headaches after targeted Botox injections in the brow-line and the neck. These are the muscles that begin to spasm when a migraine headache occurs. In a recent study of 1,300 people, about 70% of migraine sufferers experienced 50% fewer migraines after regular treatments of Botox injections.

Unlike some of the other treatments for Migraines on the market, like the prescription drug Imitrex and nasal sprays, Botox injections are not covered by insurance and at a cost of about $350 for each targeted area can make it fairly expensive. Most likely you will need multiple treatments to get the full effect. Many patients who have used botox to reduce the frequency of attacks can now use other drugs like Imitrex to help them get control over the migraines that they do fall prey to. So discuss this with your Portland Botox Therapy Specialist and have them develop an overall Migraine treatment plan designed just for you, that may include trying Botox as a preventive treatment, as well as a good treatment plan designed to aid in trigger management, and pain management.


When you are searching for a way to abolish your migraine ailment forever you have a couple of possibilities. You’re able to make use of pain pills to try and eliminate your migraine headache symptoms or you can use a natural strategy. Nevertheless, you must understand that no drug exists that can provide a migraine cure. To accomplish full elimination of your symptoms it’ll compel you to locate an effective natural solution. Pain medications do one thing and one thing only. Their aim is to lessen discomfort on a short-term basis, but they cannot prevent the next migraine.

As many individuals have unhappily found out, getting rid of migraine symptoms for good is without question a terribly challenging task. A migraine remedy that helps one person may not relieve the pain for another person. Every human being is one-of-a-kind and can react differently than anyone else to a particular type of treatment. For this reason it’s helpful to try a mixture of migraine headache natural cures to discover one that works. Luckily, most of the natural treatment strategies that may lead to a migraine cure are safe and very affordable, and mot can be utilized with no harmful results.

The migraine headache ailment can result in a total disruption in the lives of many sufferers. The severity of the disorder may result in missing days of work, stress and tension, and missed family activities. The one and only approach for getting rid of migraine disorders for good is by attacking the root source of the problem. The root cause of the migraine symptoms will need to be eliminated. And the only method for eliminating the root cause is by using natural treatment for migraine methods.

Some varieties of headache can commonly be confused with migraine conditions and therefore it’s always beneficial to understand the sort of headache you suffer from. If you misdiagnose the disorder you may end up using an incorrect type of treatment, resulting in an increased amount of pain instead of a reduction in pain. When you have verified the existence of migraine you may then start to inspect the assortment of natural methods for eradicating migraine symptoms.

Each migraine remedy has one of two objectives. The objective is to either give fast relief of pain or provide a migraine cure. If the intention is to offer short-term relief caused by an acute migraine headache, the objective will be no different than if analgesics were used. However, the rewards of obtaining relief through natural means as opposed to pain killers are twofold. Natural approaches are usually less dangerous and less expensive.

If the aim is to achieve a migraine cure by way of natural options, an individual isn’t hunting for short-term pain relief, but longer-term prevention of migraine attacks. This is something that pain relieving medications will not be manufactured to accomplish. If you expect to discover a long-lasting migraine cure you’ll be compelled to have a look at the natural remedies that are at your disposal today.

Migraine headache pain is brought on once the intracranial blood vessels dilate. A common strategy for reducing the size of the blood vessels is by lessening the flow of blood to the head. This may be accomplished by placing a cold pack on the neck at the base of the skull, hopping into a hot tub, or both. Anything that directs blood away from the head and toward the body can lessen the amount of blood flowing to the head and provide fast pain relief. However, it’s for temporary relief from symptoms only. If you would like to find lasting relief you’ll be required to try other natural treatment techniques that go after the root cause of the disorder.



Migraine is an intensive pain in the head or headache. This is one of the intolerable pains that a certain individual could acquire. The head wherein most of the migraine symptoms occur encloses the brain. The brain functions together with the nervous system of the human body. The nervous system is divided into two major systems. The central nervous system includes the spinal chord and the brain while the other one is the peripheral nervous system which includes the nerves that connect to the brain and the spinal cord. Treating migraine is not a very easy step. Although there are many natural methods used in lessening the pain of this neurological syndrome, curing it with Feverfew migraine is not a big problem anymore. A fact is that you are not required spending a lot of money from purchasing expensive medicines.

Migraines are caused by too much stress not just physical but emotional and mental stress too. This syndrome for some women may be a cause of some hormonal changes or occurrences in their body. Exposure from too much sunlight is said to be a great contributor for migraines to trigger. Blurry and hazy visions, nausea resulting to vomiting, too much headaches and some numbness are the common symptoms of migraines. Once it attacks always stay in a dark room and any noise. Take a cold shower and put a cold cloth behind your neck to lessen the pain. Eat fruits and foods that are rich in vitamins C and B3. Providing Feverfew migraines has a possibility to lessen or reduce the pain.

There are many natural ways in treating migraines and it includes Feverfew. What is a Feverfew by the way? Feverfew or the Tanacetum parthenium is under the family of herbs. Specifically it belongs to the family of the daisies. Many people long time ago used this herb as a treatment for different kinds of illness since modern medicines in form of drugs are not created at that time yet.

It has an anti-inflammatory property which makes it the best and natural substitute for illness and diseases such as:

1. colitis,
2. Parkinson’s disease,
3. Hepatitis and more.

This plant is very easy to take care of; so growing it in your home is not a big problem since it doesn’t require too much of your attention. Although Feverfew has a lot of uses as herbal medicines there are also its own side effects.

What are these side effects?

1. Diarrhea is one of its side effects.
2. Anxiety,
3. nausea resulting to vomiting,
4. some digestive disorders and
5. swollen parts of the face

These are included in the bad effects of using Feverfew migraines.
Many studies proved that Feverfew can prevent the attack of migraines. This herb might contain a certain substance on it that can prevent the blood vessels in the brain to dilate and release chemicals that causes the pain. Based in many laboratory studies that shows the different kinds of effects of the Feverfew as a natural cure for migraine; persons attacked with migraine should use this regularly or daily. Two capsules a day is best if applied as a dried herb for two or more years.

Although Feverfew can relieve migraine syndrome, it is still better and recommendable to see a licensed doctor for further knowledge about migraines. There are times that you thought it is just a simple migraine but the truth is it develops into severe illness. Aiding this annoying headache through Feverfew migraine is a very pleasant and smart idea, so heal more, and save more!
