
Archive for the ‘Pain Management’ Category


One of the most irritating aspects of any injury is the accompanying inflammation and swelling that occurs. From a sprained and swollen ankle to a painful bump on the arm after an insect bite, inflamed tissue is one of the most common occurrences in any injury. Although everyone experiences inflammation at one point or another, few people really understand what is going on with their body when a certain part is swollen and tender, and why the pain can be so bad after such an injury.

In fact, the pain that comes along with an injury can be more agonizing than the injury itself. A simple twist or too much rounding of the back can cause the muscles to feel painful for days or weeks. The inflammation itself is a response to the tissue damage, whether it is from trauma related to pressure, temperature, or chemical reactions in the body. But one of the reactions that occur along with inflammation is an increased sensitization of the nerves and neurons in the area of the injury. The pain sensors also become more highly activated with tissue damage.

In the short term, though, inflammation is good for the body after tissue damage has occurred. The swelling and tenderness are signs of increased circulation and blood flow to the injured area. Without this increase in circulation, it could take much longer to heal from an injury, if full healing would be possible at all. Thus, the body’s inflammatory response right after tissue damage that lasts for days or weeks is an attempt to protect the body part that has sustained the damage.

All of the tissues of the body can become inflamed and swell up due to increased circulation. And all of the tissues of the body can heal. We all know that cuts and scrapes on the skin will heal after a period of bleeding and scabbing. Torn muscles and sprained tendons heal in a matter of weeks or months after the initial swelling. Even ligaments can heal, even though they may take much longer — months or even years in some instances. And everyone knows someone who has had a broken bone that has been splinted, set, and healed after being immobilized for some time.

Changes to the nervous system after an injury, however, may be longer lasting, even permanent. In some cases, the body may become more highly sensitive after sustaining damage, as the brain and nerves scan the injured area for more signs of danger, even long after the injury has healed. In some unfortunately circumstances, these changes to the nerves and brain may lead to chronic pain syndromes. This indicates that the nervous system is sending pain messages to certain tissues in an attempt to protect against future damage, regardless of whether or not the tissues are actually in danger.

Thus, inflammation is a natural response to injury and tissue damage, and without it, we would have a very difficult time recovering from hurting ourselves. Additional changes to the area that has been hurt include increased sensitization of the nerves in the area, as the brain tries to protect us against further harm. But when these changes become permanent and the nerves keep sending pain messages to already healed tissue, chronic pain can develop as a result of the increasingly sensitized nervous system.


If you are suffering from hemorrhoids you may be tired of dealing with many of the symptoms. While rarely serious they can be uncomfortable and can impact your lifestyle quite a bit. Common symptoms can include itching, pain and pressure around the rectal opening, pain and bleeding any time a bowel movement occurs, and swollen lumps that protrude from the area around the rectal opening. Any of these symptoms can be difficult to deal with on their own but in combination with one another they can really make someone feel uncomfortable and frightening.

You may find that the best approach to dealing with hemorrhoids is to get the symptoms under control. Then, you may find that you have the time you need to get to the root cause and ensure that the symptoms no longer reoccur. This way you may find that you are able to keep the condition under control enough that surgical intervention is not necessary.

Hemorrhoids occur when blood vessels in and around the rectal opening are placed under pressure.

  • Straining to go to the bathroom, constipation, and even improper toilet habits can all cause hemorrhoids.
  • When they are located inside the rectal opening they are known as internal hemorrhoids.
  • Hemorrhoids that occur outside the rectal opening are known as external hemorrhoids.

There are many ways that you can control hemorrhoids. One popular method for easing discomfort is to use a moist wipe after having a bowel movement. This can limit the amount of irritation that the area will experience. You can also use creams and lotions that contain medications that will ease the pain, get rid of the itching and reduce the swelling. Witch hazel is one popular ingredient that works as an astringent and will shrink hemorrhoids very effectively.

Once you are no longer dealing with pain and discomfort you may be willing to take the time to address the underlying causes that make this condition come back time and time again. Reducing the amount of pressure that the blood vessels are under is the only way that you can get rid of hemorrhoids without resorting to surgery.

Because straining can cause pressure on the blood vessels, making it easier to pass stool can really help to control the condition. Adding fiber to the diet can soften stool. Eating more whole fruits and vegetables and taking a fiber supplement can soften stools as can drinking more water. Changing the position you sit on when on the toilet can also get rid of the pressure on the blood vessels and can help to keep hemorrhoids under control.


Do you suffer from neck pain? You are not alone. Many people do on a daily basis.

As a chiropractor that has seen thousands of patients suffering from neck pain, I have a few suggestions that may bring you some relief.

Ditch that old pillow. Sometime just getting the right pillow can make all the difference. If you sleep a lot on your back try purchasing a “contoured” pillow that will help support the curve in your neck. If side sleeping is more your style, make certain that when you are laying on your side that your head is in a “neutral” state, or in other words that the distance between your ear and each shoulder is equal. Avoid at all costs sleeping on your stomach, as this forces you to turn your head to breath, thus stretching one side of your neck for hours on end.

Take work breaks. Get away from your desk, and look up. Look left and right. Try to reverse the action of your work. If you look down and often to the left, take a break by looking up and to the right. Avoid having the mouse to far in front of your reach. You should be able to have your arm bent at ninety degrees and still operate your mouse.

Hold the bottom of the steering wheel while driving for long distances. Patients that exclusively use one hand on top of the wheel often have shoulder and neck pain as a result.

Let the head dangle. Before sleeping, if your pain allows you, try laying on your back on your bed and letting your head stretch out at the end of your bed. Allow the weight of your head to gently stretch your neck. Hold this for one minute. Repeat each night.

Try chiropractic care. We are experts in the spine, and treat neck pain on a daily basis. Often just a very gently manipulation of the bones in the neck can provide immediate relief.

Try a massage. A good massage therapist can relax the muscles that support the neck. Be sure to find a liscensed massage therapist that is familiar with trigger points or acupressure.

Do things that make you happy. This may sound simple, but many people do not know how to unwind. Stress is a huge trigger of neck pain and you must combat it by taking time for yourself.

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One of the largest growing health businesses is that of family chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment deals with manipulating the skeleton-muscular system in order to best align your body and relieve pain. They deal with very sensitive areas that have been harmed due to trauma, natural wear, or degenerative diseases.

For this reason, chiropractors must deal with areas of a patients’ body that are sensitive to pain. With a family chiropractor there is an emphasis on being gentle, since they often work on children. If you bring your child for the first time, monitor his or her reactions carefully to ensure the chiropractor is gentle enough. The goal is to merely stretch the back and take strain off the muscles and bones.

The back is a very sensitive place that can be easily damaged. Many people carry tension there and, after a while, the tension can have a big effect. It is in the most central part of your body, so if your hurt your back, it will hurt to do just about everything.

Children often speak of back pain because of rapid growth. The muscles and bones cannot keep up with their bodies’ urges to grow, and therefore muscles and joints can be very sore. It is becoming a growing trend with parents to bring their children to a family chiropractor instead of passing off soreness just as ‘growing pains’.

It is a combination of massage, physical therapy, and bone alignment. Chiropractors are often recommended by doctors as a regular source of treatment and relief from pain. Though backs are their specialty, they service all areas of the body that have pain. Often the hips, shoulders, and the neck are also regularly treated since there is such a close relationship between them and the back.

One reason why many people prefer chiropractors to forms of medical help for body pain is because it is very non-invasive. While other doctors may speak of surgery, back braces, or medication, chiropractors attempt to find less severe ways to fix the problem. It is very much like physical therapy in hoping to strengthen and train the weak parts of your body so they can handle strain far more easily.

The most common treatment is the spinal adjustment. This involves a precise knowledge of how much force the spine can take. By focusing on three points, the chiropractor will push your spine slightly past its normal range of flexibility, but not far enough to cause damage. You may hear popping and feel immense relief as tension is let out. It is done for the purpose of giving your spine greater flexibility and allowing you to naturally relieve tension and align your back naturally.



What Is Piriformis Syndrome?

Piriformis syndrome (PFS) is a pain and discomfort condition much like sciatica, except due to a very dissimilar source. Piriformis syndrome is sometimes referred to as back pocket disease. People that keep a wallet in their back pocket and sit on it throughout the day often develop symptoms of pain in the rear and down the leg. In this ailment, the sciatic nerve is compressed by the piriformis muscle. Piriformis Syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy in which a tight and/or inflamed piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, producing radicular type of symptoms. There are many causes of this problem to altered foot biomechanics to poor hip joint function. PFS occurs when part of the sciatic nerve becomes entrapped, compressed, or irritated by this muscle. The syndrome can be very persistent and painful. It is estimated that six percent of all patients with sciatica have piriformis syndrome.

The existence of piriformis syndrome has been doubted for years, but with the power of the Internet the reality of this syndrome has finally reached a tipping point. Previously, it was not even considered as a diagnosis, in others it was quickly ruled out. Chiropractors note that PFS seems to occur most in those people who don’t stretch adequately before exercise. People who are obese, or who spend much of their time sitting (as on workdays) and then are active on the weekends might be prone to the condition.

Located deep within the gluteal (buttock) muscles PFS can reek havoc with the body, causing extreme discomfort, pain and inconvenience in general. This muscle is deep inside the body, under the gluteals. The sciatic nerve passes directly under the piriformis muscle. Tension in the soft tissue of the piriformis, gluteal and other related muscles is usually the cause behind it. Such tension may be caused by incorrect posture, sports, and improper exercise.

Women may be affected more frequently than men, with some reports suggesting a six-fold incidence among females.
PF syndrome also causes sciatica. Its treatment is much less invasive and severe than the treatment of herniated lumbar disks.

How To Diagnose Piriformis Syndrome –

Diagnosis of piriformis syndrome is mostly clinical and requires a high suspicion for the diagnosis as many of the symptoms can be somewhat vague. Patients are often tender over the attachments and length of the muscle especially at the greater trochanter on the thigh bone or femur. It includes an empirically-based interactive means to determine the probability that a given case of sciatica is due to piriformis syndrome.

If it hurts to touch a point that’s in the middle of one side of your buttocks, you probably have piriformis syndrome. This chronic condition is very difficult to diagnose, because other injuries may produce exactly the same symptoms.

In PFS, you feel pain, tingling and a numb sensation in your buttock region. You can feel ache in the mid butt area that radiates through the whole of back legs. Trying to stretch the piriformis muscle has been suggested as a way of diagnosing the problem – if it hurts to stretch it, you may have piriformis syndrome. The instructions for stretching it are: Lie flat on your face on a bed. The prognosis for most individuals with piriformis syndrome is good. Once symptoms of the disorder are addressed, individuals can usually resume their normal activities.

Symptoms of PFS –

The first symptom suggesting piriformis syndrome would be pain in and around the outer hip bone. The tightness of the muscle produces increased tension between the tendon and the bone which produces either direct discomfort and pain or an increased tension in the joint producing a bursitis.

How To Treat Piriformis Syndrome –

Diagnosis and treatment of Piriformis syndrome should be carefully and extensively done. Multimodality treatments should be considered before jumping into surgery or the like. Therapy for piriformis syndrome often begins with progressive stretching exercises that are simple to do at home or the office and require no equipment. One easy exercise, for example, involves standing with the left foot flat on the floor and the right foot flat on a chair so that the right knee is at a 90 degree angle with the floor.

Targeting the piriformis is done with a single knee to the chest with painful side cross-over. The stretching exercises are performed three times a day, five times each time, maintaining the stretch between 5-10 seconds. If the muscle pain is causing altered gait, slow down and start therapy before causing additional end injury.

One of the main ways a person can treat piriformis syndrome without seeing a doctor, according to, is to apply heat to the buttocks region. Patients should also work to stretch the muscles in the buttocks and hips to help relieve the spasm and inflammation. A person with piriformis syndrome has irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Usually people with piriformis syndrome do not like to sit. When they do sit down, they tend to sit with the sore side buttock tilted up rather than sitting flat in the chair.

There are a number of preventative techniques that will help to prevent piriformis syndrome, including modifying equipment or sitting positions, taking extended rests and even learning new routines for repetitive activities.

Besides stretching, there a couple of therapies that can greatly assist in treating piriformis syndrome. Ultrasound can be used to provide an anti-inflammatory effect to a swollen piriformis. Stretching is not only a treatment but also a preventive.

Patients with piriformis syndrome may also find relief from ice and heat. Ice can be helpful when the pain starts, or immediately after an activity that causes pain. If pain is persistent during stretching then a combination of warm moist therapy with Infrex treatment during and after exercising may be most beneficial. The thermal effects of warm moist heat have limited residual pain relief, however the carryover pain relief from interferential therapy may provide total comfort extending from one stretching session to the next.

The warm moist heat also attracts blood to the area and the interferential treatment goes deeper into the human tissue structure due to decreased electrical resistance.

Inactive and weak gluteal muscles can also be a predisposing factor of the syndrome. The Gluteus maximus is important in both hip extension and in aiding the piriformis in external rotation of the thigh. Most patients also need gluteal strengthening. Try to maintain flexibility in the hip joints, including the iliopsoas, iliotibial band (ITB) and gluteal muscles. This will help prevent injuries caused by friction.

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A client recently asked for help with an inexplicable pain in her left shoulder. There was no recent injury or incident that directly or indirectly caused the pain.  I asked her to describe the sensation she felt in her shoulder.

“Small, round, heavy, like a dark cloud.”

She wondered aloud if it was a bursitis, similar to one experienced in the opposite shoulder, related to a work injury that occurred more than 11 years ago. I asked if there was any particular person from her former workplace now coming to mind.

“There were many unresolved issues from work.”


I asked if any particular person came to mind as she focused her attention on her shoulder.

“My boss.”

“If your shoulder could speak, what would it do or say to your boss right now?”

(Pause.) “It wants to punch her in the nose.”

With the image of her boss’ face in her mind we did slow motion punching gesture in the air. She laughed. Her arm began to tingle through to the fingertips and the pain magically disappeared.

The body stores all memory. When we experience a real or perceived threat, the most primitive part of our brain, the brain stem, which we refer to as “reptilian brain“, triggers the nervous system to fight or flee. The body releases hormones that makes our hearts race, the blood moves to the extremities and our focus narrows. Nowadays we seldom have to scramble up a tree to escape from a wild tiger.

However, while our daily external conditions are less precarious, our threat response may be triggered while being reprimanded by an authority figure at a workplace or by engaging in a challenging relationship. In difficult interpersonal situations, we often hold back our impulses to strike, yell or kick. In general this is a good thing. We do not wish to physically harm another being. We can resort to dialogue rather than dueling to resolve difficult situations and no one gets physically harmed in the process.

However, the lizard doesn’t understand negotiation. The lizard only knows that it wants to rip someone’s head off. Every time the lizard brain perceives a signal in the form of a threatening voice, the familiar scent of the boss’s perfume, even the sight of a a familiar-looking car model parked in a nearby lot, the lizard brain involuntarily triggers the nervous system to respond with the flood of hormones, tightening of the muscles and the impulse to fight or flee. It’s just that the rest of our brain doesn’t immediately make the connection.

When we hold our bodies back from responding in these situations, our inner lizard gets confused. It receives the impulse to move, but remains still. The energy in the body remains bound up in the system which over time may manifest as pain in the shoulder, pain in the hip, pain in the foot. Inexplicable chronic pain. The dull ache that cannot be attributed to any accident or injury. In extreme cases, an incomplete defense response, the learned inability to fight may cause the body to turn on itself and manifest as frozen shoulder, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. A strong desire to escape, or an incomplete fleeing response, may develop into severe anxiety or panic attacks.

When these incidents occurred a long time ago, perhaps when we were young adults, children, or possibly even earlier, how can we work to resolve the issue and make the pain go away?

  • The body stores all memory.
  • Trust the body.
  • Pay attention to the pain.
  • Focus on the pure quality of sensation.
  • Notice words, images or people bubbling up in the periphery.
  • Linger with these sensations that are connected to these words, images or people.

The body is attempting to heal itself. It needs to move. Long ago, an interrupted incomplete defensive response took place that lizard brain remembers through the body and has been nudging you to complete it. We can address and resolve the issue, via the nervous system, and bring mind and body into balance. Trust that the body knows what it needs to do. All it requires is that we pay attention.



Every day in every position we are in, standing, sitting, walking our low backs are supporting the body’s weight. The stress of turning, twisting bending lifting are all transferred to the low back. As a result of these stresses this area of you body is injured most often. Many people who suffer from back problems are experiencing mechanical pain, which means that a specific part of their spine, such as an intervertebral disc, a ligament, or a joint, is damaged and is not working correctly. There are many different disorders that can produce mechanical back pain.

One of the most common causes of low back pain is a strain or sprain. A back that becomes painful after a hard day at work, a sudden movement, or an injury, has often sustained a strain or sprain of the muscles and ligaments of the back. Most of the stress associated with bending, twisting, and lifting heavy objects is concentrated at the bottom of the spinal column, and this part of the back is particularly susceptible to injury, especially in individuals with weak muscles because they lead a sedentary lifestyle. A back strain usually occurs when the muscles surrounding the spine are asked to stretch too far, lift too much weight, or move in such a way that they can not control the movement and they sustain small tears. Since the muscle also protect and support the ligaments and structures in the low back if they fail or are stretched to far then further injury can occur.

One of those injuries is a ligament injury. Ligaments are thick not very elastic structures that connect bone to bone. They are not designed in general to stretch so if the muscle becomes stretched, partially torn, or just deconditioned, then the ligament is under additional stress. This additional stress if it changes the integrity of the ligament is now called a sprain.

There are three classifications of strains

  • Grade I which is the ligament fibers are stretched but there is no tearing,
  • Grade II the some of the ligament fibers have been torn, and
  • Grade III is when there is a complete or almost complete tear of the ligament.

As a result of the stretching or tearing there is usually a microscopic amount of bleeding, which results in swelling and painful spasms. Often the muscles or ligaments that have been injured will be tender to the touch. Pain and spasms are the body’s way of telling you that a muscle or a ligament has been injured and needs to be protected from further use. As a result, you should avoid using the injured muscles during this phase of acute pain, and help them to recover by resting, applying cold packs, and possibly obtaining a gentle massage. In some cases use braces that will support and protect the injured area help to ease the spasms and pain.

Back strains and muscle spasms are very common and unfortunately, there is not an immediate cure for this type of an injury. However, most back strains can be effectively managed by decreasing the inflammation, supporting the injured area, and then a gradually beginning a simple exercise program designed specifically to strengthen the injured or weakened muscles.

When you go to a clinic the doctors and therapist should be specially trained in not only accurately diagnosing your injury, but how to use specific exercises targeted to strengthen the affected musculature. They should understand you do not have time to be slowed by and injury. So they should find a way to get you back to your active lifestyle quickly.



Most people think that a backache is not something to be too worried about. We often treat backaches as something that is caused by exhaustion or something that can be treated with a bunch of pain relievers. Backaches can be the result of sudden strain and exhaustion. But if you are experiencing lower back pain all the time, then, you may have to consider that what you are experiencing is not just a backache – but a lumbar sprain. Here are some reasons why you need to take lower back pains or lumbar sprains seriously.
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It can lead to a lumbar spasm

Although you may think that the lower back pain you are experiencing is bearable and can easily be fought by taking pain relievers, extensive strain on your lower back muscles will cause the soft-tissues on your lower back to swell. The inflammation of your lower back muscles can lead to a muscle spasm which is something that your pain relievers may not help you with. Although the word “spasm” would make you believe that a lumbar spasm is something that will happen momentarily and just get lost after some time – the truth is that it can take days for you to fully recover from a lumbar spasm. In fact, most patients who have lumbar spasms have to be on bed rest for several days with an adequate dose of muscle relaxants and pain relievers to help them through the ordeal.

A lumbar spasm can be really painful

Once the muscles on your lumbar spine is affected, you can barely move your body without experiencing pain – this is what happens when you are afflicted with a lumbar spasm. Walking, sitting up and basic functions or movements will seem like such an effort because everything you do will cause you pain.
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Lumbar Sprain may only be the beginning

The lumbar sprain that you are experiencing may just be an underlying symptom or result of a bigger back problem like a ruptured disc or Sciatica. If you are experiencing lower back pains or lumbar spasms, the best option for you is to consult your doctor and have yourself checked on what is causing these back pains. Most often than not, lower back pains may be caused by being overweight, unhealthy lifestyle habits (smoking, too much alcohol), poor conditioning or over-exertion of the muscles.

Aside from taking pain relievers and muscle relaxants, most doctors are now suggesting for their patients to make use of back braces in order to take away the pressure from the lumbar spine and provide you with relief from the pain that lumbar sprain or spasms is causing you. There really are a lot of options for you to deal with lumbar sprain, so make sure to ask your doctor about it.

Back Braces For Support

When you are struggling with low back pain then it is time you looked into back brace support. These can also be very helpful in helping to reduce your pain, add support and they can also help to promote healing.

* This article is helpful health information, but it is not a substitute for your doctors advice.

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While ankle sprains are somewhat common in the world of high school sports, not all sprains are alike! That’s why it’s crucial for a teen athlete to know when he or she has sprained an ankle, and when the injury is less or more severe. The good news is that it’s possible to treat sprained ankles effectively, and to take preventative measures to reduce their occurrence in high school sports.

A sprained ankle involves the pulling or tearing of ligaments. Interestingly, the reason why the injury isn’t referred to as a “strain” is that a strain always refers to an injury involving a muscle.

It’s important to note that there are various types of ankle sprains. The most common one is an “inversion sprain“, causing the ankle to twist until the foot’s sole faces inward. This causes damage to the ligaments contained on the ankle’s exterior. A less common type of ankle sprain is a “medial ligament sprain.” This involves damage to a ligament known as the “anterior talofibular.” The ligament links the ankle bone with the fibula. What’s the fibula? That’s the lower leg’s smaller bone. Major sprains also involve something called the “calcaneofibular” ligament, which links the heel bone and the fibula.

Ankle strains can also involve damage to joint tissues, such as tendons and bones. Remember that it’s always crucial to get an X-ray after potential ankle sprains, to determine what (if any) damage has occurred.

Ankle sprains’ most common cause is an athlete putting too much weight on his or her foot, when it’s in an everted or inverted position. This oftentimes happens when the athlete is running on jumping on a surface that’s not level. The athlete might hear a “pop” or “snap” sound, and usually afterwards experiences inflammation and pain in the ankle.

After spraining an ankle, the first treatment should be RICE: ®est, (I)ce, ©ompression, and (E)levation. These actions are crucial to help reduce the amount of swelling that occurs. After placing ice on the injured ankle, the athlete should then wrap an ACE bandage around the ankle. Also, an anti-inflammatory product can help to reduce the swelling and pain during the first 7-10 days following the injury.

After the pain starts to subside, the teen athlete can use additional treatments to help the ankle heal as quickly as possible. For example, “range of motion” exercises can make the ankle more flexible and reduce the amount of swelling. Another method is to stretch out the calf muscles gently, in order to improve the movement of the joint.

The best way to “treat” ankle sprains, is to prevent from happening in the first place! To help prevent ankle sprains, wear ankle supports whenever necessary. This will help to minimize the chance that your ankle will twist awkwardly. Also, athletes should do stretching and warm-ups prior to practices, and games or matches. One of the concerns of athletes who are recovering from an ankle sprain, is that they will sprain it again. Ankle braces help to prevent that from happening.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in an individual when the median nerve in the wrist bone gets compressed. A very painful disease, it is usually caused due to the inflammation in ligaments and tendons surrounding the Carpal tunnel. Scientists have found out that there are several causes for Carpal tunnel syndrome. Apart from over exercise of hands, heredity, hormonal changes, diabetes and arthritis, can be some of the other major causes of this disease.

The fact behind Carpal tunnel surgery

The surgery is conducted on a patient when the pain of this particular ailment is unbearable. The Carpal tunnel in an individual is a fine passage that runs through the middle of a wrist. The median nerve is situated inside this tunnel and is responsible for producing most of the feeling in a human hand. The movement of our fingers is highly determined by this nerve. The Carpal ligament which is present around the tunnel gets inflamed during this disease and causes compression on the median nerve.

Broadly two different operational procedures exist to cure this ailment. Some of them have been explained below.

Different kinds of treatments

Open surgery – This type of Carpal Tunnel Surgery is conducted on the base of the patient’s palm. The base is cut so that a doctor can see all the tendon and ligaments present in the affected wrist. After the cut is made the next task is to release the pressure caused by this ligament on the nerve. The doctors divide this ligament in two parts in order to release the pressure. This operation is a mild one and usually, a patient is discharged on the day of operation.

Endoscopic Surgery – This is not much different from the previous method. In this particular style of Carpal Tunnel Surgery the doctor makes a much smaller incision than an open surgery. The next task is to insert a tiny camera through this cut. This camera enables the doctor to see the ligament and tendons clearly. The prime benefit of this procedure is that a patient can recover faster than an open surgery.

In many cases it has been noticed that a patient is recommended to wear social wrist braces and splints. Doctors advise the use of these tools as they are highly beneficial for patients who have already been affected with this disease. These tools help to keep the hand straight during hand movements.

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