Prevention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Health Information Online
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The name may sound fancy and unique but Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very much like tendonitis due to it being an inflammatory condition. The signs and symptoms of this syndrome almost copycat that of several forms of tendonitis. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is diagnosed when inflammation is observed or detected around the median or inside nerve that runs through a tight channel or “tunnel” in the wrist on up to the hand.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel

Much like tendonitis, inflammation of the wrist and this “tunnel”, in particular, is caused by tissue damage that may be the result of overdoing a repetitive activity such as typing for instance. The body responds to tissue damage naturally with inflammation as a way to protect itself. Unfortunately, along with inflammation comes pain. In addition to pain, a person with this syndrome may also experience a tingling and numbing sensation due to compression or irritation of the median nerve in the wrist.

Immediate Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

As with tendonitis, the best immediate treatment for this type of wrist tendonitis is ice and rest. Ice should help reduce the inflammation surrounding the wrist. It is best not to apply ice directly to your skin as this may be harmful. Instead, wrap the ice in a cloth or paper towel before applying it. Rest is also recommended for someone experiencing the signs and symptoms of this wrist tendonitis problem. Rest allows your body time to heal any inflamed or damaged tissue.

Like tendonitis, performing some simple prevention techniques may help keep wrist tendonitis pain and inflammation at bay. Doing a light set of strengthening and stretching exercises involving the wrist may help increase blood flow to any areas susceptible to damage.

Another Form of Prevention for Carpal Tunnel

Another form of prevention should involve the foods you put in your body. Filling up on heart-healthy Omega-3 essential fatty acids is highly recommended since they make for a much stronger cardiovascular system. A much stronger heart and cardiovascular system will allow for the speedy delivery of nutrients and oxygen to any area of tissue in the wrist that is likely to succumb to pain and inflammation ultimately resulting in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Conversely, the foods you DO NOT put in your body are just as important. Like tendonitis that may be caused or exacerbated by eating processed sugars and flours, you should definitely avoid any type of sodas, candy, junk food, and/or boxed dinners. Stay away from them at all cost because whether you suffer with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tendonitis, arthritis or some other condition, these types of foods spike your insulin levels that will inevitably spike your levels of pain and inflammation all over the body.

One can draw many parallels between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and tendonitis or any inflammatory condition for that matter. The signs and symptoms are similar as are the methods of treatment. Finally, prevention techniques for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are very similar to forms of tendonitis prevention.

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